Now and days I feel that media has had an affect on everyone's life today, since it has evolved over the past years. When I younger media wasn't that advanced and it seemed that my life wasn't being influenced by media like it is today. I believe that media can either have good or bad effects on our lives. It also can make our society become lazier because we can access information through a touch of a button. Media has affected my life everyday since I'm always surrounded by it and it also creates a distraction for me. Social media in general acts like my addiction because whenever I try to work on something important I find myself checking my phone one too many times. When I am checking the media there can be many different opinions and points of view from others. These opinions and views can also be lies that can persuade a person into believing something that is false. Also, different point of views can have an affect on the way a person perceives a certain topic.
Social media today is a big topic that everyone knows about today. Many of my peers are involved with some form of social media. In my opinion, I know that social media can be bad for me since it can become a distraction, but at the same time i no longer have control on when i really need to power down. Sometimes I think about how my life would probably be so much better if I wasn't so involved with these dumb apps that play a role in my life everyday. My life without social media would be so much better because my grades would improve. I feel that my academics would improve because I would have less distractions, which means that I would have more time to do my school work.
The social media I have seen can influence many different people to try to live up to high beauty standards, but I personally do my best to block out the perfections that the society has created for women. The unrealistic expectation that some girls try to achieve can make many different girls feel uncomfortable in their own skin, which in my opinion is awful. I believe that girls shouldn't be judged for their appearance and that every girl should be proud of the way she looks. So we shouldn't let social media influence the way we perceive ourself and others because it can lead us to become more judgmental.

Sometimes I believe that media can have good outcomes when use it. For example, say you have a school project to research most people aren't going to go to the library to obtain information, so most likely they resort to the media for their information because it is easier. When we obtain information this easily that means we are becoming more lazier, because usually the information we find on a topic has a couple paragraphs of information. These paragraphs are meant to be short because our society is lazy and doesn't enjoy reading. I can relate to this problem since I personally don't enjoy reading, so it is easier for me when I only have to read a couple paragraphs that would usually be a couple of pages in a book.
The media can be a scary place, since you never know when something is true or false. Also it is full of many people who are trying to express their opinions and views on many different topics. During this year's election I noticed that I was influenced by media to dislike Donald Trump. Whenever I was on media I would see some information on why Trump was such a bad candidate, especially if I was on social media. Even when I would look up articles for my current events their would always be articles that talked about bad things that Trump did during the election. When seeing all this negative information it made me see this man as a horrible person, and I could never understand why people would vote for him. So after the election that is when I realized that the media was influencing me to hate this man, even though I never saw information that made him look like a good candidate to become our next president.
In the end, I have come to realize that media will always be affecting my life for as long as I live. As I get older I need to notice that even though media can bring us good results, it also comes with consequences that I may have to deal with. Also it would be a good idea if I decided to start spending my time more wisely and not wasting it on media. The opinions and point of views that come from others shouldn't play a big role on where i get my information from.